Monday, March 29, 2021

Presentation meeting in Chubu University

Last Saturday, we had a presentation meeting hosted by “The Institution of Professional Engineers, Chubu Office, Aichi Prefecture Affiliate”. I’m a vice chairman of this affiliate.

The meeting was held at Chubu university and delivered online with an internet connection.

There were two presentations.

“Domestic trailer fabricated by using foreign parts” Toshiho Takesita (Professional engineer Japan)

“Green chemistry urged by American Chemical Society and remarkable technologies” Erika Nakashima (Senior Assistant Professor, Chubu university)

Green chemistry is composed by 12 principles.

In the presentation, the importance of the 12 principles was focused for ecology, energy saving, safety and health.

After the presentation meeting, we visited her laboratory and heard explanation about experimental equipment.

Thursday, March 25, 2021

Audit of Eco-Action 21

This week, I worked as an auditor of Eco-Action 21 for two companies. One is printing materials dealer and the other is wood plyboard maker. Recently there are a lot of job about the auditor of Eco-Action 21, because covid - 19 emergency is over in Japan and many companies have been able to accept it.

Eco-Action 21 is one of Japanese national standard of environmental management system. Simply speaking, the audit of Eco-Action 21 is checking whether the company has acted some appropriate ecological working or not.

I have a license of auditor of Eco-Action 21.

All members of these companies are acting some ecological performance eagerly.

This photo of river was taken beside the wood plyboard maker.

Saturday, March 20, 2021

The 30th New Environmental Exposition 2021

On March 18th, I visited Tokyo and attend an exhibition about environmental technologies. The title is “The 30th New Environmental Exposition 2021”

Some booths exhibited interesting new products about latest water purification technology. There might be a few exhibitions based queer fake science.

However, they were interesting.

Sunday, March 14, 2021

A photo was sent from China

A photo was sent from China.

Last summer, in China, a seminar about Japanese wastewater treatment technology was held. I was an instructor. This was an online seminar using internet web system. So, I stayed in my office in Japan, while in the seminar.

My face was on the screen like this. However, I feel my face stiffened. I guess I’ll have to make a fine smile.

Tuesday, March 9, 2021

Nyuugawa dam lake

After a long time, I worked in Takayama city. We are making a final report about water quality inspection of a dam lake in this city.

After discussion with client, some correction will be needed. So, I’ll rewrite it.

This photo is the lake, “Nyuugawa dam lake” The lake is located about 40 minutes by car to the northeast from Takayama urban area.

Friday, March 5, 2021

Eco action 21 audition

Last week, I audited about Eco action 21.

Although the Eco action 21 is less famous than ISO, recently a lot of SMEs got the warrant about Eco action 21 in Japan because it’ s easy to prepare some systems or documents and audition fee is not expensive.

I have a license of auditor of the Eco action 21.

Near Nagoya station, there is the SME to which I visited for audited about Eco action 21.

It was a trading company which deals some aircraft materials. Establishing the environmental management system, compliance of environmental laws and ecological activities are all good performance.

After audition, on the way to Nagoya station, I saw Nanachan doll that is a symbol of Nagoya. She is always fashionable and put colorful mask on her face.