Sunday, May 30, 2021

Internet cafe

I’m kicking back in such internet cafĂ©.

In this shop, I’m enjoying net-surfing. There is a light meal corner and I ate pancakes.

Most customers are young persons. I guess here would not be the place where elderly people visit.

Wednesday, May 26, 2021

Online annual convention of Aichi branch

Nowadays, all PE’s events have been online style due to corona pandemic. So, we cannot see together. I feel lonely and depressing.

On Jun. 12th, we’ll plan the annual convention of Aichi branch, Institution of Professional Engineers Japan. It is a most meaningful meeting this year, and there is a plan that we’ll invite a famous professor and very interesting lecture. However, it’s decided that all of them will be held by online, not meeting directly.

On the annual convention of Aichi branch, I’ll assume a new boss and make speech about keynote policy and strategy. However, I cannot try some new events I wanted to do as a new boss.

We would have to endure such painful situation until, the covid-19 will be cool down. Too depressing!!

This photo is the annual convention of Aichi branch held two years ago.

Thursday, May 20, 2021

Web seminar on May 14th.

I did a web seminar on May 14th.

It was hosted by “Japan – China technology exchange center” “which is a group of “The Institution of Professional Engineers”.

The title was “Introduction of a web seminar that is a presentation for Chinese client about Japanese wastewater treatment technology” I did a web seminar for Chinese audiences last summer in August. This time, in this web seminar, I introduced about previous web seminar to China. It was a confusing situation a little.

The presentation time was about one hour. The number of audiences was 22.

I felt the reputation was not so bad. I’ll appreciate staffs of Japan – China technology exchange center, and audiences.

Saturday, May 15, 2021

Pan-fried noodles party

In May, Fine day, Pan-fried noodles party was held with friends. They are all company’s presidents, and members of Aichi Douyukai (SMEs committee).

Mr. Isogai is an owner of pan-fried noodles maker. Mr. Nomura is a master of wine shop. Ms. Menjo is a psychological counselor and her son (6 years old). Mr. Saito is a president of car parts maker, and a leader of this team.

This pan-fried noodle is so tasty! Too much eat and drink, great happy day!

Monday, May 10, 2021


During a year, I used Zoom, Wechat, Welink, Teams, Voov, Coursepower, and so on. There are too many things that I must master, so these things were driving me crazy. Zoom is only one thing I can familiarize well. The other things are all familiarized only a little.

Nowadays, I began to use a “Linkedin”, because a friend is urging me to try to me. I want to cry “Forgive me!”

However, if I continue the challenge to master some new skills, I would never become dementia.

Tuesday, May 4, 2021

Children’s day

Today, May 5th, is Children’s day. In Japan, it’s a holiday. This holiday has been established to hope happiness and healthy growth of children.

This photo is Boys' May Festival doll.

In this country, there is a tradition custom that such doll is decorated in the room in which boys stay.

Although there were two boys in my family, both of they have graduated from university and live away from home. So, they don’t live here now.

However, I decorate this doll in May every year.