Sunday, May 10, 2020


I began Zoom.


I communicated with friends a few times, not only as a member but also as a host.

As a member, Its actually easy.   

Unless so long time, it would not need expense despite with many participants.


Meeting by using the zoom would be started at Douyukai (SMEs committee), the Institution of Professional Engineers or other communities.

Someone has already begun the zoom meeting.


There are some opinions, Security is fragile. or Skype is better than Zoom.

Before familiarizing, a variety of complains may be occurred.

The persons who hesitate new IT tools would exist anywhere.

I guess I should not say so difficult things.



Actually, the security is important.

Should be careful when there are some secrets.


Moreover, there are some cautions.


In my home, it can be watched at a glance by my wife.

In the case of existence of a woman on a zoom screen, when my wife asks me Who is a woman?, I guess I should answer She is a co-worker. without panic.

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