Tuesday, August 31, 2021

Japan-Korea PE Symposium

This autumn, Japan-Korea Professional Engineer’s Symposium will be held on Oct. 30th & 31th in Sendai. Unfortunately, this event will be online, not real meeting.

It’s decided that my presentation was adopted on 2nd session meeting. However, it will not be oral speech, only showing in website.

The title of my presentation is “Energy saving technologies of Japan”.

Friday, August 20, 2021

Sewage Work Exhibition in Osaka

Yesterday, I went to Osaka. I visited Sewage Work Exhibition to collect useful engineering information.

The coronavirus outbreak is serious there, so I gargled and washed my hands carefully after I returned home.

This trip is my secret. This is because, if I said about my trip in Osaka some persons may say me “Don’t come our office.” “We allow you to visit us more than two weeks after today”.

So, I cannot say someone about this trip.

I went to Osaka by super express "Hinotori". So comfortable!!

Tuesday, August 10, 2021

In Vladivostok, Russia

Several years ago, I’ve worked in Vladivostok, Russia. By misunderstanding, I made a Russian – Japanese translator angry then.

Thanks to her good job, our business has been proceeded smoothly. After the business, we talked about Olympic game in a relaxed atmosphere.

At that time, “Actually, I flourished very well at the Sochi Olympic winter games.” She said proudly.

I was surprised and said “Oh! Great. I don’t see you like that. Which play event did you participate? Skate?, or other sports‥‥‥” She said strongly. “Of course, translator! I’m not good at sports.”

After that, I reflected. I guess my bad habit of hasty judgment has never been broken.