Sunday, February 28, 2021

Extra science lecture for elementary school students

Today, an extra science lecture for elementary school students was held. And I was an instructor. Venue was Chiryu junior high school in Chiryu city, Aichi pref. The title was “Experiment about change color of water”. The event was hosted by “Nasumoru Chiryu”, a personal association about Children’s science education.

The number of students was thirteen, nine boys and four girls.

Black tea in PET bottle changed to colorless and transparent water in a moment, all students were surprised. By using another method, black tea changed to cola.

I taught students how to play such magic. Although some student could not change to desirable color of their water, everybody challenged such difficult magics with a happy smile.

These magics can be done easily even small children. The ingredients are available at nearby shops. So, I recommended that students who attended this lecture will show this interesting magic in front of friends or parents.

Thursday, February 25, 2021

Degree of transparency is always more than 50.

This photo is a transparency meter. It can inspect how to turbid the water.

In a wastewater treatment plant of food processing factory, recently effluent water quality is very good and the water continues transparent condition. The degree of transparency of effluent water keeps more than 50 degree since last spring.

In this winter it was too cold for a while, that’s why we were afraid water quality was deteriorating. However, it keeps more than 50 degree. Good job.

It seems the result that a worker of this plant controls with sincerity. Although this job seems steady and routine work, he continues honestly every day.

Someone says that simple and uncreative jobs would be replaced with AI in the future. However, it would be important that many people know such workers support the world actually and should appreciate workers.

Saturday, February 20, 2021

JICA Capacity Enhancement Training is over.

Feb 15th ~ 18th, JICA Capacity Enhancement Training was held, and I attended. Title was “Training program on wastewater management and city wide inclusive sanitation”. And it was done online.

For the moment, there would be no chance I go abroad and work, that’s why I thought I should enhance my skill in the meantime.

While the four days, it was a fulfilling training program. There were a lot of previous home works. In the training program, lectures, panel discussion and group discussion were held.

Mainly, situation of Southeast Asia’s wastewater management and how to contribute Japanese engineers in this region were explained. How to approach the problems, under the condition that such countries are not rich? Using Japanese style can hardly be applied directly. Moreover, concept of SDGs was positioned as an important key point.

The number of participates were seventeen. Group session can be done online by using “break out session” function. As a result of attending the group discussion, I noticed that some participants who have worked actively in foreign countries are greater than me. So, I was inspired.

However, my knowledge and experience of small water treatment technologies like johkaso I got in my younger age could be used. That’s why, I feel I could get a good achievement.

I show a photo of an application form. Such a document can only be shown, because showing documents used in training program without permission is strictly banned.