Thursday, February 25, 2021

Degree of transparency is always more than 50.

This photo is a transparency meter. It can inspect how to turbid the water.

In a wastewater treatment plant of food processing factory, recently effluent water quality is very good and the water continues transparent condition. The degree of transparency of effluent water keeps more than 50 degree since last spring.

In this winter it was too cold for a while, that’s why we were afraid water quality was deteriorating. However, it keeps more than 50 degree. Good job.

It seems the result that a worker of this plant controls with sincerity. Although this job seems steady and routine work, he continues honestly every day.

Someone says that simple and uncreative jobs would be replaced with AI in the future. However, it would be important that many people know such workers support the world actually and should appreciate workers.

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