Monday, December 26, 2016

Two-shot with Mr. Niizuma

This two-shot photo was taken with Mr. Hideki Niizuma, lawmaker of upper house Japan.

It was taken at the winter seminar hosted by The Institution of Professional Engineers, Chubu Office.

Mr. Niizuma is also the professional engineer Japan.
He won the election of upper house Japan three years ago.

Nice guy!

Friday, December 16, 2016

Question about water quality survey

In December, there are many opportunities we look back on memories of this year.

I was working a lot at a construction consultant company in Gifu city.
The ISO renewal job increased in the second half of this year.

Finally, I was asked a difficult question about water quality survey from young female colleague.
Although I could not deal with the question because of busy schedule, last Sunday I could visit Aichi Prefectural Library and research about it. I can never slack off because the cultivation of young engineer is very important for the company or the world.

This photo is the shot of year-end party of the company.

Wednesday, December 7, 2016

Memento of my father

On Sunday, we cleaned up after my father’s passing.
My father died on May 8th, at 82 years old.
Surprisingly, an air rifle was found at the corner of my father’s room.

It would not be ethical that I discard it to the disposal facility, I think.
So I called to the police, and delivered it to police officer.

Friday, November 25, 2016

Shop of old friend

Today, I attended an event of professional engineering association. After that, I drank at a shop in Handa city at night.

Name of the shop is “Coffee & Gochisou-Sakaba 36°” that newly opened in this February.

The owner of this shop is my old friend.

While I worked at a company, I was annoyed because I had been transferred to a section whose job was far different from my specialty. However I could continue my work happily because of support of my colleagues.

One of the colleagues at the time quitted her job of the company, and have had her own shop. She is struggling every day to achieve her dream.

Chees! With Ms. Rumi Sakakibara, the owner of the shop

Although I tried to take a photo of Ms. Rumi, she refused to take it. Instead of her photo, I’ll show the photo of the shop.

Wednesday, November 16, 2016

Huge map of Nagoya city

This is an aerial photograph taken from the above of Nagoya city, not Google – Map.

There is the Nagoya Urban Institute Building in front of Kanayama station.
It’s the map that is printed on the floor tiles of 11th floor of the building.

And it’s pretty large, scale is about 1/1000.
Walking on this photo, we can feel amusing.

Furthermore, the landscape from windows of this floor is also good, because the aspect of Nagoya city can be seen clearly.

Saturday, November 5, 2016

Zounds! It’s failed.

The result of the English Proficiency Test (the Pre 1th Grade) has come.
Zounds! It’s failed.

Although I felt passing of this exam is difficult, I hoped that a little better score could be got.

Next exam will have on Jan. 22th 2017.

If I work in foreign countries more seriously, I feel awkward in the 2nd grade forever.

Let’s revenge next time!

Sunday, October 16, 2016

U.S. Yahoo

Sometimes I browse U.S. Yahoo.
There are a lot of news about Japan, China and North Korea there.
Korea is also on the news often, but the frequency is not more than foregoing three countries.

Near around Senkaku islands, China invades territorial waters of Japan, and how Japan tackle these problems.

About North Korea, nuclear experiment and launch of missiles are sometimes on the news.

Yahoo news of the countries in which English is used as national language, such as England, Canada, India, Singapore, Philippine or Australia, may almost be diverted from U.S. Yahoo news. Thus, these troubles that are happened at the Far East may be browsed all over the world.

Like fire on the other side of the river, they may watch these incidents as bystander.

I have questions such a situation.
Countries of Far East should be more cooperative one another, I feel.

Thursday, October 6, 2016

The Japan - Korea Professional Engineers Joint Symposium

The Japan - Korea Professional Engineers Joint Symposium is over successfully. This year, it was held at Nikko, Tochigi - pref. on Oct. 2nd 4th.

The main theme was “Merging and progress traditional technology and state of the art technology”.

This time, I also had a presentation at a session meeting.

I reported that a traditional technology is applied for the current new technology about waste water treatment plant.

I performed not only the presentation by using the powerpoint but also show some microbes for audiences by using my portable microscope.

The performance mainly had be applauded by audiences. However I felt regret because I couldn’t respond appropriately to a question Korea PE said.

At the evening party after the meeting, Mr. Muronaka, the chairman of session meeting, said to me “In future, I would propose the presentation to you again.” So I thought that my presentation was not so bad. I was pretty glad!

Next year, the Japan - Korea Professional Engineers Joint Symposium will be held in Busan city in Korea.

Monday, September 26, 2016

Seminar about AI technology

On Sep. 24th (Sat.) the seminar hosted by The Institution of Professional Engineers, Chubu Office, Aichi prefecture affiliate has been held. I was a staff of planning and operating team.

The title was “Get there! Correct knowledge and actual situation of artificial intelligence (AI) technology. And what is its future?”. There were two instructors. One was Daisuke Bando, the president of Bando professional engineer’s office. The other was Fumito Kondo, IIBA instructor.
According to both of instructor’s lectures, the jobs human can do currently may be swapped for AI in future. I was surprised at how quickly the progress of AI technology, however I’m afraid that the jobs I can would be decreased. We have to do more creative jobs that AI cannot implement from now.
And on this day, the interesting devices were presented by young professional engineers. By using smart phones the audience have, impressions or comments of seminar was showed on the screen in seminar room in sequence. During the seminar or after that, instructors and audience could watch such messages.
It was finished successfully. Thank you for Mr. Kondo, Mr. Bando and the staffs of planning and operating team

Thursday, September 15, 2016

In front of Gifu station

This photo was taken around JR Gifu station.


This month, I’m working a lot at a construction consultant company.

The ISO renewal job are getting increase.


Maybe not only this company‥‥‥

It seems busier for each company that the ISO management systems must be renewed from present version to 2015 version in the next 1 or 2 years.


It is cool tonight, autumn has come.

Monday, September 5, 2016

In Zibo City (2)

I was staying in Zibo city we can go by car about 4 hours from Qingdao city in China on Aug. 24th through 28th.


I saw officials of government of Zibo city and was greeted by them warmly.

This photo was taken there.


There is a vast textile factory in the city.

I suggested some ideas to resolve some problems of wastewater treatment facility of the factory.


Unfortunately, the contract of engineering consultant about my suggestion has not be approved.

However, we could cultivate friendship each other through discussions or interactions.

Sunday, August 28, 2016

In Zibo City (1)

I’m staying in Zibo city we can go by car about 4 hours from Qingdao city in China.

There is a vast textile factory in the city.


Yesterday I saw and inspected the wastewater treatment facility of the factory.

Today I’ll discuss about the method of engineering consultant and the condition of contract.


The picture was taken near hotel I’m staying.

The space of this company is so large that there are many hotels and restaurants in the site.

Tuesday, August 16, 2016

Too HOT!

I worked at engineering advises about improvement of wastewater treatment plant in a seafood processing factory

I visited there by my car on which I took some equipment shown as a photo.

Too HOT!!!  The temperature was above 36 in the field, and water temperature was about 35.

Both the quality of wastewater treated and condition of sludge were good. It seems that the maintenances by staffs are implemented successfully.

Sunday, August 7, 2016

Instructor of lecture for national examination,

Here is a place for a lecture.

A few days ago, I worked as an instructor of lecture for national examination, “Manager in charge of pollution control (water quality)”.

Every summer, I work as it about three times.
Of course I couldn’t take some photo during my lecture, so I have taken this photo after that.

Although there were a few students who looked like sleepy in the classroom, many students listened and studied eagerly.

The examination day is Oct. 2nd. I hope that many student who attended the lecture will pass the examination.

Tuesday, July 26, 2016

Visit China again

It’s decided that I’ll visit China.

I’ve continued negotiation from April this year. Although the contract of business has not yet approved, we’ll have a business meeting at first.

The business is an engineering consultant about water treatment plant of a textile facility. The duration will be from Aug. 24th to 28th. Let’ work with a good performance for customer satisfaction.

The photo shows my business tools. It’s taken 6 years ago, however type of tools has been increased since then.

Friday, July 15, 2016

Audit of Eco-Action 21

Two days ago, I worked as an auditor of Eco-Action 21, which is one of Japanese national standard of environmental management system.

The workplace of company was near Asakura station located on Meitetsu Tokoname line.   


Simply speaking, the audit of Eco-Action 21 is done for checking whether the company has acted some appropriate ecological working or not.

I have a license of auditor of Eco-Action 21.


All members of the company are acting some ecological performance eagerly.


Next year, I may also work as an auditor at the same company.


Wednesday, July 6, 2016

The God of Learning

Here is the Dazaifi Tenmangu, in Fukuoka Pref.


I’ve not come here to visit this historic spot.

Because of working near here, I could stop over this spot.


It’s the first time that I came such a far place for working within this country.


As it’s also a rainy season in Kyusyu, the weather was not so good.


As the God of Learning, the shrine is famous too much all over this country.

Of course, I also prayed there by hoping success of my business, because there are many opportunities I study or take an examination in my working.

Sunday, June 26, 2016

New English website

The homepage of my Professional Engineer Office has been renewed


And new English website that is one of my objective of this year has been launched!


Because of this, I’ve been ready for publicize and appeal my business much more to foreigners all over the world.


Please see!

Thursday, June 16, 2016

At the top floor of Nagoya Urban Institute Building

Here is the top floor of Nagoya Urban Institute Building in front of Kanayama Station.


Last half of this week, I’ve worked at a civil engineering consultants company in Gifu City.

Because ISO audition has been had in this duration, I was pretty busy.


I sometimes come and relax here, as I transfer at this station from JR to Meitetsu on the way to home.


10 years ago, soon after the license of Professional Engineer Japan, I have done a presentation at the seasonal meeting here. Although I can’t know clearly that the presentation was good or not good, my human network was extended dramatically in the Professional Engineer association from then. In this reason, here d can be called my start line of my Professional Engineer’s work..


The night landscape of Nagoya is so beautiful.

Sunday, June 5, 2016

Omaezaki Beach

Here is Omaezaki beach, Shizuoka-pref. At a factory near here, I’m implementing diagnostics for energy saving or engineering advices periodically.


There are some large windmills near this beach. Those are turbines to generate electric power. The output power is 22,000kW and approximately three times as large as Taketoyo Mega Solar (7,500kW). And they are too grandiosity when viewed at close range. However they may be less than one tenth of an output power of the huge offshore wind power plants that have been built on California’s beach in U.S recently.


And there is the Hamaoka nuclear power generation plant near here. Here is a suitable place for thinking the future of energy problems while viewing sea with relaxing mind.


Large sea can be seen here, it’s the largest ocean in the world, The Pacific.

Wednesday, May 25, 2016

The joint meeting with Taizhou City

The joint meeting with Taizhou City (China) hosted by the overseas business support committee (the Institution of Professional Engineers, Japan) has held in Tokyo Toranomon Square. And I attended it.

Taizhou is an industrial city with a population of 5.5 million. It is located on the coast of Eastern China Sea and about 300 kilometers south of Shanghai. Last November, the mutual collaboration agreement was made between the Taizhou city government and the overseas business support committee, the Institution of Professional Engineers.

This time, I couldn’t see the company that would be assisted by my specialty (environmental improvement). However the government official said that there would be many chance that the purification technology of air or wastewater will be required for the city.

We could enjoy not only the meeting but also dinner party. Because all Chinese are heavy drinker regardless of men and women, these events have been heated up too much.

Monday, May 16, 2016

Pass on peacefully, Dad

On May 8th, my father passed away at 82 years old.

The cause of death is kidney failure.


In my childhood, he was really scary for me. I was admonished and knocked over many times.

However, I’m appreciate him. Without them, I couldn’t become the way I am.


In my adulthood, there was very few opportunity I was admonished.

I’m also appreciate him about it. He watched over my behaviors without saying, nevertheless he would want to say about them.


There are many memories I cannot mention completely, all memories can be conducted to “appreciation”.


Thank you very very much.


The photo was taken on New Year’s Day 2 years ago.

The man on the far left is my father.

Friday, May 6, 2016

Nagoya Baseball Stadium

The long-term vacation continues still more.
Today, I went to Nagoya Baseball Stadium to watch the match of Chunichi Dragons vs. Hanshin Tigers.
There were many audiences there, in spite of match by farm teams (the second teams).

I sometimes come here because I like the match of farm teams.
Because, the genuine professional baseball match can be watched at the best seat behind the net for only one thousand yen of entrance fee.

The match was called on account of rain in the seventh inning, and Dragons lost as the score 3-5.

It was unlucky that I couldn't watch the pitching of Player Asao although he warmed up at the bullpen.