Thursday, December 24, 2020

ENEX in Tokyo Big Sight.

I visited ENEX (Energy and Environment Exhibition) in Tokyo Big Sight. It may be a largest exhibition about energy saving technologies in Japan. I attended by real, not online.

Perhaps in consequence of the covid – 19 pandemic, there were a lot of impressive displays about ventilation and air conditioning. For example, the method of eliminating virus droplet from room quickly was showed.

Moreover, heat exchanger, heat pump, small hydroelectric power generation and data analysis technology by using AI or Iot were also exhibited.

To avoid spreading the virus, wearing mask, keeping enough distance and disinfection of hands were made sure strictly.

After I came back home, I washed hand and gargle carefully.

Saturday, November 21, 2020

Online foreign exhibition event

I attended a foreign exhibition event,

Nowadays, we can have a meeting, talking, drinking, seminar or instruction with an internet connection. A few months ago, I attended an online instruction that were done in Tokyo and lectured all over this country.

Moreover, I also attended a foreign exhibition event. SIWW(SINGAPORE INTERNATIONAL WATER WEEK) was held on Nov. 18th ~19th and I took part in there. It was not held in Singapore but online. So, all participants attended in their own home. Exhibitor’s list could be browsed on PC display. By clicking it on PC, such an exhibition booth could be found. And by clicking some panels of booth, brochures or movies could be browsed. If we wanted to query, chat system was available. It was interesting.

However. It was difficult to find the booth I want to see quickly by using this system. Moreover, display goods could not be observed directly, and there were no attendant girls. So, I felt regret. Of course, real exhibition is better.

Friday, October 30, 2020

Small trip to Himaka Island

I’m depressing because most attractive event have been cancelled or postponed due to coronavirus pandemic. So, we did a small trip with my wife at least.

We arrived Kowa Port in only five minutes by our car. From there, we arrived Himaka Island within in twenty minutes by boat.

At the island, an octopus wearing mask welcomed us.

Our lunch was grilled fish with soy sauce. Fresh row fishes, octopuses and shrimps were served one after another. Moreover, large clams and turban shells were served, so we had a very good time.

We received blue crabs as a present from a hotel staff. Thank you!! We appreciate President Nakayama!

Sunday, October 11, 2020

Boss of Aichi branch, the Institution of Professional Engineers Japan.

It has been decided internally that I’ll be nominated as a boss of Aichi branch, the Institution of Professional Engineers Japan.

A few days ago, I heard the news from a present boss of Aichi branch.

I’m feeling tension and getting nervous.

The vote of boss election will be done in next February. The possibility of my winning is high, because there would be no candidate.

Monday, August 31, 2020

Online seminar for China

I did an online seminar for Chinese audiences.

I thought that there is no abroad job of my office this year, because trip abroad has been banned due to avoiding the COVID-19 infection and its pandemic would not be cool down until the end of this year.

However, a job has come from China at the end of May.

The request was a web seminar about the water purification technology of Japan. I accepted the request with confidence, because I attended the Zoom webinar many times recently.

However, the client said that the webinar tool we will use is not Zoom but WeChat or WeLink.

So, I had to familiarize the new tools completely before the seminar.

On the day of the seminar, I lectured about 2.5 hours by using the Powerpoint. Because I could not see faces of audiences, I didn’t feel their reaction. I could hear only translator’s voice. I felt tired more than conventional style lecture I used to do many times in the past.

After the seminar, the client informed me as follows,

The number of audience : about 40

Position : staffs of environmental companies, other companies, government officials, professors

Reputation : Good

So, I could feel satisfaction.

I hope that some jobs will come to me from the audience who attended the seminar. If the restriction of trip abroad will be loosed some day, I’ll go to China and do business.

Online seminar for China

Friday, August 14, 2020

In Japan, the Covid-19 would no longer be deadly disease.

The Fig. 1 shows the percentage of the number of Covid-19 deaths to its patients in Japan.

According to it, recently, the Covid-19 would no longer be deadly disease. Because, after July, the percentage is continuing less than 1 %.

It was made from the Fig. 2. The number of patients increased drastically from the end of June. However, the number of deaths is not so many than April or May.

The efforts of medical staffs and its relevant persons must be huge and great in Japan!

Monday, June 29, 2020

Shaved ice

A few days ago, I visited a cafe shop with my son who came home.


He talked a lot to me.

Now, he is living alone and working at a nursing home.

He said that there are a lot of stress and the work is too hard.


Although his grandfather was kind to him, some elderlies in the nursing home are not so kind.


I guess what parent can do would be hearing his talk.

We wish he’ll be happier.


In the shop, we ate such a food, shaved ice.

Summer has come.

Monday, June 22, 2020

Energy saving for a resort hotel

I visited a resort hotel on a small island.


It was a work, not sightseeing.

I did a technical consultant about energy saving.


As the coronavirus pandemic has been cool down, such jobs are increasing gradually.

Although hotel’s interior decorating is beautiful and elegant, equipment is decrepit a little.

So, we can recommend a lot of energy saving ideas.


The photo was taken on a ship that sails between Shima peninsula and the island.

Nice landscape!

Tuesday, June 9, 2020

Atsuta shrine

On May 28th, I worked all day in Nagoya city near Meitetsu Jinguumae station.

The work has been over soon, so I visited Atsuta shrine in the evening.


Probably because of weekday, there were few praying visitors there, only two persons.


I guess everyone avoid to go outside unnecessarily because of corona pandemic, or they think praying to the god is in vain by such situation.


In contrast, there were a lot of persons around the station almost as same as the past.


Spring will pass away, summer will come.

Friday, May 15, 2020

In a local meeting space

An important meeting will have to be held, despite of such a situation of coronavirus emergency declaration.

Counterpart company is in Nagoya city and it has no wide meeting room.

So, I invited them to local place near my office.


There is the local meeting space near Kouwaguchi station.


Its a vocational aid center and it has a small shop that sells breads that were made there.

And there is such a rest space.


If we have a meeting there, moreover if we put a mask on our face and keep enough distance each other, we can avoid the three conditions that facilitate the transmission of infectious disease (closed spacescrowdsand close contact).


Nice place for meeting the staffs of the company said and became happy.

We bought some breads and coffees there.

The meeting is over in a peaceful atmosphere.


We could have a comfortable meeting thanks to fresh breeze of May.

Sunday, May 10, 2020


I began Zoom.


I communicated with friends a few times, not only as a member but also as a host.

As a member, Its actually easy.   

Unless so long time, it would not need expense despite with many participants.


Meeting by using the zoom would be started at Douyukai (SMEs committee), the Institution of Professional Engineers or other communities.

Someone has already begun the zoom meeting.


There are some opinions, Security is fragile. or Skype is better than Zoom.

Before familiarizing, a variety of complains may be occurred.

The persons who hesitate new IT tools would exist anywhere.

I guess I should not say so difficult things.



Actually, the security is important.

Should be careful when there are some secrets.


Moreover, there are some cautions.


In my home, it can be watched at a glance by my wife.

In the case of existence of a woman on a zoom screen, when my wife asks me Who is a woman?, I guess I should answer She is a co-worker. without panic.

Tuesday, March 24, 2020


Covid – 19 disease is a too serious problem all over the world.


I’m making a graph myself by using newspaper’s data.


According the figure, the number of dead and patients keeps increasing.

However, the slope of curve is almost constant, not an accelerated pace, unlike Italy or China.


I appreciate for doctors and medical staffs. Their efforts are great.

And I hope that such a tendency will be continued or decrease the slope.

Wednesday, March 18, 2020

English Proficiency Test - the Pre 1st Grade



I passed the final test of the pre-1st grade!!


In Oct., I passed the writing test.

However, I couldn’t pass the oral examination in Nov.


So, I retried the oral examination this month.

The result of the final test has been announced a week ago.

I passed the final test of the pre-1st grade!!