Wednesday, December 29, 2021

Conclusion of this year corona pandemic situation

This is only my opinion, I’ll conclude the situation of this year corona pandemic. Although we had a tough time during the Tokyo Olympic season, it was settled well after October.

Considering many countries in which there are a lot of infected persons and deaths, Japan’s situation is good, I think. I think the contribution of Japan’s medical and health workers are extremely huge. A number of vaccinees has become 100 million. Moreover, it would be effective that all Japanese always put mask on their face, frequently wash hands with disinfection liquid and keep social distance.

Although there may be concerns about people’s movement during year-end and new-year or spreading of the omicron variant, there is no need to panic. Because we have already undergone a lot of such tough times. The omicron variant was found on Dec. 1st. Considering that there is no tendency that a number of infected persons and deaths is notably increasing in this month, it doesn’t seem to threat thing. So, if we’ll gargle, wash our hands frequently, put mask on our face every time and keep social distance, we would be able to withstand.

Saturday, December 11, 2021

In Hekinan city

Yesterday, I went to Hekinan city in business.

Two weeks ago, I visited Seto, last week I visited Gifu and Takayama. Recently I visit here and there, probably because the covid – 19 pandemic has cooled down. And it would be no problem that I announce such news.

A year ago, when I uploaded my business trip to Tokyo on Facebook, a custumer phoned me and said, “Mr. Nonobe, you seemed to go Tokyo, didn’t you? Don’t come here for a while. You will be able to come here after two weeks or over.” That time, I shocked very much.

The photo is taken at Hekinan – Chuo station platform.

Tuesday, November 30, 2021

Gifu and Takayama

Today, I worked in Gifu city, north from Nagoya. The illuminations were very beautiful around Gifu station.

I’ll visit Takayama from tomorrow until Friday. It’s business, not sightseeing. It may snow lightly there, so we must use a warm jacket.

Saturday, November 20, 2021

COP26 is over.

COP26 is over.

It might be the most important international conference in other conferences that held in the world this year.

Leaders of countries had a heated discussion about the amount of greenhouse gas emission.

The venue was Glasgow, UK. Japanese PM Kishida attended it. Although he announced some positive measures to reduce the amount of CO2 gas, abolish of coal fired power generation plants was hesitated. That’s why, the impression of Japan was not be so good.

Comparing Chinese president who absented the conference, in spite of the largest emission country, PM Kishida who explained with the responsibility as one of developed country might be great. Mr. Biden, US President became upset about the absence of China.

Anyway, all participants agreed the decision about pursuing efforts to limit the temperature increase to 1.5°.

Saturday, October 30, 2021

60 years old birthday

The day before yesterday, I became 60 years old. A lot of SNS friends sent me birthday messages. Thank you so much!! Nowadays, on the web I saw a lot of persons, however who have not yet seen me directly. I have a lot of places I want to visit, a lot of persons I want to see directly and a lot of things I want to do. So, after the Covid – 19 pandemic will be over, I’ll hope that such my dreams.

Sunday, October 17, 2021

The number of Covid-19 patients and deaths in Japan.

This Fig. shows the number of Covid-19 patients and deaths in Japan.

The number of patients decreased drastically from the end of Sep. In addition, the number of deaths is low level now.

I’m thinking the reason of cool down tendency. The efforts of medical staffs and its relevant persons must be huge and great! Moreover, the percentage of people who took an injection of Covid19 vaccine became over 75 %.

Friday, October 8, 2021

Bibimbap set

In Nagoya city, all snack bars and restaurants closed at night until the end of September to prevent the coronavirus infections.

Recently, the number of patients decrease drastically. So, the government alleviated the restriction and at last they started to reopen at night.

Tonight, I ate bibimbap set and drank beer. Very happy!

Saturday, October 2, 2021

Shitara-town, Kitashitara-gun

Here is Shitara-town, Kitashitara-gun.

This is not business, however it’s possible to lead to a good business. So, I came here all the way. Aichi prefecture is larger than we think. The running time between my office and here was about two hours by car. I like long – distance drive, so it was not painless for me.

Town office is wooden construction. The design feeling of an office building is good.

Thursday, September 23, 2021

Silent Eating

A friend has come from a distance. We had a lot of things we want to know each other. Before that, we went to a seafood restaurant. However, there was an announce “Silent eating” on the wall. We were shocked because we want to talk there. So, we hate Covid 19.

Friday, September 10, 2021

Handa station

This month, I have jobs about environmental technologies at two companies in Handa city. There are both companies on the beachside.

I visited one company of them. Though it was hot by day, cool breeze was crisp and good landscape on the beach. I could not take an unnecessary photo at client company, that’s why I took a photo at Handa station after work.

Summer has gone, and autumn has come.

Tuesday, August 31, 2021

Japan-Korea PE Symposium

This autumn, Japan-Korea Professional Engineer’s Symposium will be held on Oct. 30th & 31th in Sendai. Unfortunately, this event will be online, not real meeting.

It’s decided that my presentation was adopted on 2nd session meeting. However, it will not be oral speech, only showing in website.

The title of my presentation is “Energy saving technologies of Japan”.

Friday, August 20, 2021

Sewage Work Exhibition in Osaka

Yesterday, I went to Osaka. I visited Sewage Work Exhibition to collect useful engineering information.

The coronavirus outbreak is serious there, so I gargled and washed my hands carefully after I returned home.

This trip is my secret. This is because, if I said about my trip in Osaka some persons may say me “Don’t come our office.” “We allow you to visit us more than two weeks after today”.

So, I cannot say someone about this trip.

I went to Osaka by super express "Hinotori". So comfortable!!

Tuesday, August 10, 2021

In Vladivostok, Russia

Several years ago, I’ve worked in Vladivostok, Russia. By misunderstanding, I made a Russian – Japanese translator angry then.

Thanks to her good job, our business has been proceeded smoothly. After the business, we talked about Olympic game in a relaxed atmosphere.

At that time, “Actually, I flourished very well at the Sochi Olympic winter games.” She said proudly.

I was surprised and said “Oh! Great. I don’t see you like that. Which play event did you participate? Skate?, or other sports‥‥‥” She said strongly. “Of course, translator! I’m not good at sports.”

After that, I reflected. I guess my bad habit of hasty judgment has never been broken.

Friday, July 30, 2021

Water treatment technology special

Several years ago, I began to subscribe this journal.

Finally, “Water treatment technology special” has been issued. So interesting!

There is an article in which a company might urge to make readers purchase the company’s products. However, I think such article would be reliable because the products were accepted by this journal.

Monday, July 19, 2021

Tokoname city hall

I visited Tokoname city hall. When I was young, I used to commute a company near the hall. And I lived in this city about twenty years ago. Since Chubu International Airport opened, city situation has been changed drastically. However, only this building didn’t change.

Sunday, July 11, 2021

No spectator

What a shocking decision! Most Olympic stadiums will have no spectator. I know some friends who bought the ticket of Olympic games. After the decision of banning to attend people, they were strongly depressed.

There are too many contradictions. Why Olympic games have no spectator, although Professional baseball are held with fans? Why sports festivals of children are cancelled, although the Olympic games are held? Why some politicians who announce to people to abstain from drinking party are drinking in restaurant?

Monday, July 5, 2021

This is Nyuugawa dam in summer. The dam is about 40 minutes by car to northeast from the Takayama city center. Every month, we implement a water quality inspection at the dam lake here.

Wednesday, June 30, 2021

International matching meeting for China

Two days ago, 2021 international matching meeting about new energy and materials was held.

It was joint hosting the Science and Technology Agency of Hubei Province, China and the Institution of Professional Engineers, Japan.

Some Japanese PEs had a presentation on the web, and the audiences were Chinese companies’ staffs.

I lectured about wastewater treatment technologies. We can hardly feel their response doe to web lectures.

I hope that some jobs will come to me from the audience who attended the seminar. If the restriction of trip abroad will be loosed some day, I’ll go to China and do business.

Saturday, June 26, 2021


I attended a foreign exhibition event.

SIWW(SINGAPORE INTERNATIONAL WATER WEEK) is holding on June 21th ~ July 2nd and I took part in there. It was not held in Singapore but online. So, all participants attended in their own home or office.

Exhibitor’s list could be browsed on PC display. By clicking it on PC, such an exhibition booth could be found. And by clicking some buttons of booth, brochures or movies could be browsed. In addition, some lectures can be audited.

It’s interesting.

Sunday, June 20, 2021

Net cafe again

I’m in an internet café again. Although there are many issues I’ll have to tackle, I’ve not yet sorted out my thoughts. I killed time for no special reason.

Today, the state of emergency is over, quasi – emergency measures will begin from tomorrow. So, my

blue mind will continue.

There are a lot of young persons there, most customers are male.

Tuesday, June 15, 2021

Boss of Aichi branch

It has been decided internally that I’ll be nominated as a boss of Aichi branch, the Institution of Professional Engineers Japan.

Three days ago, I assumed a boss of Aichi branch in annual assembly meeting.

I’m feeling tension and getting nervous a little. There are a lot of problems we have to tackle. Moreover, the covid 19 would not be cool down

Tonight, I’m drinking a lot^^.

Thursday, June 10, 2021

Shirakawa Park

Yesterday and today, I visited a company on business.

The emergency-alert has been issued doe to covid – 19 pandemic. Usually I visit there by train, however this time I came here by my car. This is because a company’s staff said me “Please come by your car. If you use public transportation, you might be infected.”

I was surprised because the express fee of Nagoya highway has increased extremely before I know it. Fortunately, parking fee was no need because the staff made me use the company’s space for parking my car. I’ve finished my job, and I’ll complete the report from now.

This photo is Sirakawa Park. There is also the Dome of Nagoya City Science Museum.

Sunday, June 6, 2021

A bar in Takayama

When I work in Takayama, I usually stay a hotel on the night before. At night, I visited a favorite bar. “Nowadays, there are few customers and I feel lonely” the bar proprietress said.

The photo shows a situation of the bar in which every seat is separated by transparent acrylic boards. Although a proprietress talked with me then, she didn’t recommend me karaoke tonight. This is because the government has informed every bar that playing karaoke should be banned.

We would be blue feeling, unless the corona pandemic will cool down.

Sunday, May 30, 2021

Internet cafe

I’m kicking back in such internet café.

In this shop, I’m enjoying net-surfing. There is a light meal corner and I ate pancakes.

Most customers are young persons. I guess here would not be the place where elderly people visit.

Wednesday, May 26, 2021

Online annual convention of Aichi branch

Nowadays, all PE’s events have been online style due to corona pandemic. So, we cannot see together. I feel lonely and depressing.

On Jun. 12th, we’ll plan the annual convention of Aichi branch, Institution of Professional Engineers Japan. It is a most meaningful meeting this year, and there is a plan that we’ll invite a famous professor and very interesting lecture. However, it’s decided that all of them will be held by online, not meeting directly.

On the annual convention of Aichi branch, I’ll assume a new boss and make speech about keynote policy and strategy. However, I cannot try some new events I wanted to do as a new boss.

We would have to endure such painful situation until, the covid-19 will be cool down. Too depressing!!

This photo is the annual convention of Aichi branch held two years ago.

Thursday, May 20, 2021

Web seminar on May 14th.

I did a web seminar on May 14th.

It was hosted by “Japan – China technology exchange center” “which is a group of “The Institution of Professional Engineers”.

The title was “Introduction of a web seminar that is a presentation for Chinese client about Japanese wastewater treatment technology” I did a web seminar for Chinese audiences last summer in August. This time, in this web seminar, I introduced about previous web seminar to China. It was a confusing situation a little.

The presentation time was about one hour. The number of audiences was 22.

I felt the reputation was not so bad. I’ll appreciate staffs of Japan – China technology exchange center, and audiences.

Saturday, May 15, 2021

Pan-fried noodles party

In May, Fine day, Pan-fried noodles party was held with friends. They are all company’s presidents, and members of Aichi Douyukai (SMEs committee).

Mr. Isogai is an owner of pan-fried noodles maker. Mr. Nomura is a master of wine shop. Ms. Menjo is a psychological counselor and her son (6 years old). Mr. Saito is a president of car parts maker, and a leader of this team.

This pan-fried noodle is so tasty! Too much eat and drink, great happy day!

Monday, May 10, 2021


During a year, I used Zoom, Wechat, Welink, Teams, Voov, Coursepower, and so on. There are too many things that I must master, so these things were driving me crazy. Zoom is only one thing I can familiarize well. The other things are all familiarized only a little.

Nowadays, I began to use a “Linkedin”, because a friend is urging me to try to me. I want to cry “Forgive me!”

However, if I continue the challenge to master some new skills, I would never become dementia.

Tuesday, May 4, 2021

Children’s day

Today, May 5th, is Children’s day. In Japan, it’s a holiday. This holiday has been established to hope happiness and healthy growth of children.

This photo is Boys' May Festival doll.

In this country, there is a tradition custom that such doll is decorated in the room in which boys stay.

Although there were two boys in my family, both of they have graduated from university and live away from home. So, they don’t live here now.

However, I decorate this doll in May every year.

Friday, April 30, 2021

Announce of the examination result of Professional Engineer


A young engineer I know well passed the examination of Professional Engineer Japan.

Annually the examination result is announced on March, but this year the announce was done today. The covid-19 pandemic made the announce date later.

He attended the events of The Institution of Professional Engineers many times. So, I know him well and talk with him many times.

When my favorite friend passed the examination, I want to drink with him to cerebrate his success. However, most pubs or snacks closed to prevent the covid-19 pandemic infection. So, we hardly drink together.

In any case, congratulation the success!!!!

Sunday, April 25, 2021

Too busy weekend

Too busy weekend

On Saturday, we held a meeting with an internet connection (Zoom). I was a chairman of this meeting. I’m a boss of the Institution of Professional Engineers, Chubu Office, Aichi prefecture affiliate.

On Sunday, we held a seminar and meeting I was also a chairman of this meeting. I’m also a boss of the Institution of Professional Engineers, Chubu office, the Science support committee. On the meeting, I asked other members to change my boss position with other member.

Thursday, April 15, 2021

Visit casting sand maker

I visited a casting sand maker near our office.

For the moment, there would be no chance I go abroad and work, because the Covid – 19 pandemic may not cool down. That’s why, we have to develop some new jobs in this country.

It’s so called “walk – in sale”. However, if we visit a company without appointment, we could not get a successful job opportunity. So, we’ll try to find a “contact us” corner in some companies’ homepage, and we’ll post there saying “We want to see you and explain our job.”.

Today, I talked with a management staff of the company. Business matching could not be achieved.

Shake it off! Let’s approach to other companies.

Saturday, April 10, 2021

Aichi Douyukai Chita area meeting

Two days ago, Aichi Douyukai (SMEs committee) Chita area meeting was held. The venue was Restaurant MARUHA which is famous for Jumbo fried shrimp.

We are glad to see these members directly, not by online. In addition, Drinking together is great!

The number of today’s members is 12, one of them is female membrr. She is the most aggressive in this group and recommended an unconventional idea about our group event.

Of course, I want to help her with other members, however I’ll be too busy. Because I’ll nominated as a boss of Aichi branch, the Institution of Professional Engineers Japan, and a boss of Futto branch, Mihama town Chamber of Commerce.

Tuesday, April 6, 2021

Cherry blossom in Sokcho

This photo was sent from a Korean professional engineer. Here is Sokcho (A port town at the northeast area in Korea).

Cherry blossoms are very full bloom!! Nice. Wonderful!

In Nagoya, most of cherry blossoms are falling, and leaves are growing.

Monday, March 29, 2021

Presentation meeting in Chubu University

Last Saturday, we had a presentation meeting hosted by “The Institution of Professional Engineers, Chubu Office, Aichi Prefecture Affiliate”. I’m a vice chairman of this affiliate.

The meeting was held at Chubu university and delivered online with an internet connection.

There were two presentations.

“Domestic trailer fabricated by using foreign parts” Toshiho Takesita (Professional engineer Japan)

“Green chemistry urged by American Chemical Society and remarkable technologies” Erika Nakashima (Senior Assistant Professor, Chubu university)

Green chemistry is composed by 12 principles.

In the presentation, the importance of the 12 principles was focused for ecology, energy saving, safety and health.

After the presentation meeting, we visited her laboratory and heard explanation about experimental equipment.

Thursday, March 25, 2021

Audit of Eco-Action 21

This week, I worked as an auditor of Eco-Action 21 for two companies. One is printing materials dealer and the other is wood plyboard maker. Recently there are a lot of job about the auditor of Eco-Action 21, because covid - 19 emergency is over in Japan and many companies have been able to accept it.

Eco-Action 21 is one of Japanese national standard of environmental management system. Simply speaking, the audit of Eco-Action 21 is checking whether the company has acted some appropriate ecological working or not.

I have a license of auditor of Eco-Action 21.

All members of these companies are acting some ecological performance eagerly.

This photo of river was taken beside the wood plyboard maker.

Saturday, March 20, 2021

The 30th New Environmental Exposition 2021

On March 18th, I visited Tokyo and attend an exhibition about environmental technologies. The title is “The 30th New Environmental Exposition 2021”

Some booths exhibited interesting new products about latest water purification technology. There might be a few exhibitions based queer fake science.

However, they were interesting.

Sunday, March 14, 2021

A photo was sent from China

A photo was sent from China.

Last summer, in China, a seminar about Japanese wastewater treatment technology was held. I was an instructor. This was an online seminar using internet web system. So, I stayed in my office in Japan, while in the seminar.

My face was on the screen like this. However, I feel my face stiffened. I guess I’ll have to make a fine smile.

Tuesday, March 9, 2021

Nyuugawa dam lake

After a long time, I worked in Takayama city. We are making a final report about water quality inspection of a dam lake in this city.

After discussion with client, some correction will be needed. So, I’ll rewrite it.

This photo is the lake, “Nyuugawa dam lake” The lake is located about 40 minutes by car to the northeast from Takayama urban area.

Friday, March 5, 2021

Eco action 21 audition

Last week, I audited about Eco action 21.

Although the Eco action 21 is less famous than ISO, recently a lot of SMEs got the warrant about Eco action 21 in Japan because it’ s easy to prepare some systems or documents and audition fee is not expensive.

I have a license of auditor of the Eco action 21.

Near Nagoya station, there is the SME to which I visited for audited about Eco action 21.

It was a trading company which deals some aircraft materials. Establishing the environmental management system, compliance of environmental laws and ecological activities are all good performance.

After audition, on the way to Nagoya station, I saw Nanachan doll that is a symbol of Nagoya. She is always fashionable and put colorful mask on her face.

Sunday, February 28, 2021

Extra science lecture for elementary school students

Today, an extra science lecture for elementary school students was held. And I was an instructor. Venue was Chiryu junior high school in Chiryu city, Aichi pref. The title was “Experiment about change color of water”. The event was hosted by “Nasumoru Chiryu”, a personal association about Children’s science education.

The number of students was thirteen, nine boys and four girls.

Black tea in PET bottle changed to colorless and transparent water in a moment, all students were surprised. By using another method, black tea changed to cola.

I taught students how to play such magic. Although some student could not change to desirable color of their water, everybody challenged such difficult magics with a happy smile.

These magics can be done easily even small children. The ingredients are available at nearby shops. So, I recommended that students who attended this lecture will show this interesting magic in front of friends or parents.

Thursday, February 25, 2021

Degree of transparency is always more than 50.

This photo is a transparency meter. It can inspect how to turbid the water.

In a wastewater treatment plant of food processing factory, recently effluent water quality is very good and the water continues transparent condition. The degree of transparency of effluent water keeps more than 50 degree since last spring.

In this winter it was too cold for a while, that’s why we were afraid water quality was deteriorating. However, it keeps more than 50 degree. Good job.

It seems the result that a worker of this plant controls with sincerity. Although this job seems steady and routine work, he continues honestly every day.

Someone says that simple and uncreative jobs would be replaced with AI in the future. However, it would be important that many people know such workers support the world actually and should appreciate workers.

Saturday, February 20, 2021

JICA Capacity Enhancement Training is over.

Feb 15th ~ 18th, JICA Capacity Enhancement Training was held, and I attended. Title was “Training program on wastewater management and city wide inclusive sanitation”. And it was done online.

For the moment, there would be no chance I go abroad and work, that’s why I thought I should enhance my skill in the meantime.

While the four days, it was a fulfilling training program. There were a lot of previous home works. In the training program, lectures, panel discussion and group discussion were held.

Mainly, situation of Southeast Asia’s wastewater management and how to contribute Japanese engineers in this region were explained. How to approach the problems, under the condition that such countries are not rich? Using Japanese style can hardly be applied directly. Moreover, concept of SDGs was positioned as an important key point.

The number of participates were seventeen. Group session can be done online by using “break out session” function. As a result of attending the group discussion, I noticed that some participants who have worked actively in foreign countries are greater than me. So, I was inspired.

However, my knowledge and experience of small water treatment technologies like johkaso I got in my younger age could be used. That’s why, I feel I could get a good achievement.

I show a photo of an application form. Such a document can only be shown, because showing documents used in training program without permission is strictly banned.

Sunday, January 24, 2021

JICA(Japan International Cooperation Agency) Capacity Enhancement Training

Two weeks ago, according to JICA announce, it’ s decided that I can attend JICA Capacity Enhancement Training program.

Duration is 2/15(Mon.) through 2/18(Thu.). Title is “Training program on wastewater management and CWIS”.

This is my first opportunity about JICA training program.

The program will be held online in English over an entire period. Foreigners from India, Malaysia, Singapore and Indonesia will have presentations. I’ll have to listen and discuss during four days.

For the training program, I’ll restudy some English technical terms and relative technologies.